Turkeyfoot Cowboys - Range Rules

  1. The range is open ½ hour after sunrise until ½ hour before sunset. An exception is Sundays when the range opens at 11:00 AM to Sundown.
  2. Members must open the gate and drive into the range to use it. No parking on the road and going through the fence.
  3. Members must have their Membership Card with them while on the range, except for a scheduled club event.
  4. The TFL Range is for registered members only. A Membership may have 12 shooting guests on the range under the members supervision. Example; a family of 4 is only allowed 12 guests, not 48. The request must be submitted prior to the date for boards approval, waivers must be signed by ALL guests and sent to the TFL President prior to the event. This will be allowed only when there is no other scheduled  club event. All other range rules apply.
  5. Only Pre1900 firearms or replicas, .22 caliber Rimfire firearms, shotguns, and approved SASS Cowboy Calibers are allowed to be used on the TFL Range. Modern handguns like the 1911 are now allowed
  6. Only Lead Projectiles, round ball or cast bullet, may be used.  Jacketed bullets are now allowed for hand guns only and on paper targets only.
  7. Hearing and Eye Protection is MANDATORY on the firing line.
  8. Maintain Muzzle Control-shoot only in the direction of the back stop: remember we have neighbors in every direction.
  9. No smoking in the loading and shooting area.
  10. No alcohol may be consumed while participating in any shooting event.
  11. Pick up your debris-targets, patches, shell casings, and trash.
  12. Minors 13 and under, a parent or guardian shall be within arm’s reach at all times while the minor is handling a firearm.
  13. Minors 14-17 years, a parent, guardian, or spouse shall be on the firing line at least in a spotter position (meaning they can monitor the actions of the shooter and be within hearing and sight range) at all times that the shooter is loading, shooting the stage and unloading their firearm. The Parent or guardian or spouse may accompany the shooter if necessary.
  14. High powered firearms are not allowed. This includes .223 and 5.56 calibers
  15. Everyone on the range is REQUIRED to sign a waiver.